Can add various tasks onto task list
Able to check all your list entries and their status (complete or incomplete)
Able to manipulate the entries on the list, marking an entry as completed, or delete the entire entry
Use a keyword to find a particular list entry
Able to get a list of upcoming dates to take note of
- Add a to do taskWill add a todo task, without a date or time for completion.
Example of usage:
todo read a book
Expected outcome:
[T][✓]read a book
added as a todo task
- Add an event taskWill add a event task, with a date or time of when the event is held.
Example of usage:
event read a book /at 2nd Feb
Expected outcome:
read a book (at: 2nd Feb)
added as a event task
- Add a deadline taskWill add a deadline task, with a date or time to complete this task by.
Example of usage:
deadline read a book /by 2nd Feb
Expected outcome:
read a book (by: 2nd Feb)
` added as a deadline task
- Find a task from your listFind a specific list entry, using keywords provided
Example of usage:
find book
Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][✓] read book
2.[T][X] return book (by: June 6th)
3.[T][X] read some books (by: 2nd Feb)
- Delete a specific taskDelete a list entry, using the index of the entries
Example of usage:
delete 2
Expected outcome:
2. read a book (at: 2nd Feb)
will be deleted from the task list.
- Exit from Duke AppDuke will exit after 1 second, displaying exit message.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Bye! Hope to see you soon!