
User Guide for Duke GUI

By Dalson Tan


Feature 1: Adding Tasks

Can add various tasks onto task list

Feature 2: Check current task list

Able to check all your list entries and their status (complete or incomplete)

Feature 3: Delete, Mark a list entry as Done

Able to manipulate the entries on the list, marking an entry as completed, or delete the entire entry

Feature 4: Find list entries

Use a keyword to find a particular list entry

Feature 5: Reminder for active deadlines and events

Able to get a list of upcoming dates to take note of


todo - Add a to do task

Will add a todo task, without a date or time for completion.

Example of usage:

todo read a book

Expected outcome:

[T][✓]read a book added as a todo task

event - Add an event task

Will add a event task, with a date or time of when the event is held.

Example of usage:

event read a book /at 2nd Feb

Expected outcome:

read a book (at: 2nd Feb) added as a event task

deadline - Add a deadline task

Will add a deadline task, with a date or time to complete this task by.

Example of usage:

deadline read a book /by 2nd Feb

Expected outcome:

read a book (by: 2nd Feb)` added as a deadline task

find - Find a task from your list

Find a specific list entry, using keywords provided

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:

1.[T][✓] read book

2.[T][X] return book (by: June 6th)

3.[T][X] read some books (by: 2nd Feb)

delete - Delete a specific task

Delete a list entry, using the index of the entries

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

2. read a book (at: 2nd Feb) will be deleted from the task list.

bye - Exit from Duke App

Duke will exit after 1 second, displaying exit message.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye! Hope to see you soon!